Patreon account

I now have a Patreon account!

I’ve ummed and ahhed about this for some time, but I just recently decided to open a Patreon account for anyone to wants to support my work. This may seem a little cheeky to some, but creating consumer software is not exactly highly profitable. It’s more of a labor of love. Don’t get me wrong, being my own boss and the freedom that provides is amazing. But I’m not a rich man, not even close. Ive toyed with the idea of making some of my more popular apps subscription based, as that seems like what most devs are doing these days. But I personally don’t like subscriptions, so for now I’m staying with the single purchase option.

So, I figured I’d try out Patreon, and see if I can gather some support for all the time and effort I throw at keeping the apps up to date. Cookie in particular is particularly time consuming - requiring me to regularly make changes for the now 15 browsers which it supports.

Any way, If you find any of my apps useful, and would like to help support development costs - take a look over at my Patreon page.
